Welcome to my blog, Treasures Inside. It is my privilege to share with you some of my favorite images of the Carondelet Motherhouse.
I’m Sister Kate Filla, a Sister of St. Joseph. I live at the Carondelet Motherhouse, and since 2004, have given tours of this sacred space to our many guests.
The Carondelet Motherhouse is full of beauty and history. The oldest section of the 8-winged motherhouse dates back to 1840. In 1980, the Carondelet Motherhouse was placed on the registry of historic buildings.
Together, we will look at the beauty in the details of craftsmanship evident here as well as religious art and contributions of sister artists. Let’s begin our journey. Come inside with me!
The motherhouse is one of the oldest buildings in St. Louis. It is a modern facility equipped to meet the needs of God’s people.
This ever-evolving building has been a spiritual home to generations of novices who completed initial formation, lived in community, and trained for ministry. Some of our sisters still reside here today!
The motherhouse is also home to the St. Louis province administration offices, and is thought of as the “North American home” to Sisters of St. Joseph as it was from our Carondelet/St. Louis location that the Sisters of St. Joseph spread throughout the United States and Canada.